Search Results On doug ducey (Page 1 of 4)

doug ducey (Page 1 of 4)

  • Arizona, Arizona, arizona reports six cases of novel covid 19, Doug ducey

    Arizona reports six cases of novel COVID-19 2020-03-10 04:37:21

    The state of Arizona has reported a new case of novel coronavirus which adds up to the total being six cases in Arizona.The person who has been confirmed of being infected by the deadly COVID-19 has recently returned from traveling...

    Keywords: coronavirus, The Arizona Department of Health Services, six, coronavirus

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    mass gatherings, cOVID-19, covid 19 spread schools mass gatherings canceled says arizona governor, Doug ducey

    COVID-19 spread: Schools, mass gatherings canceled, says Arizona Governor 2020-03-16 04:55:57

    Doug Ducey who is the governor of Arizona has made an announcement on Sunday regarding the shutdown of schools and mass gatherings. The cancellation of events with 50 or people has also been announced by the governor on Sunday.The specified...

    Keywords: cOVID-19, events, Doug Ducey, closure

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    stay at home, covid-19, arizona governor issues stay at home order to fight covid 19, Doug ducey

    Arizona governor issues ‘Stay at Home’ order to fight Covid-19 2020-03-31 06:39:16

    With the consistent rise in the number of confirmed cases in Arizona, Governor Doug Ducey finally takes after the lead of the other 28 states and announced a “Stay at Home” order to prevent further spread of the virus. While...

    Keywords: covid-19, stay at home, united states, stay at home

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    COVID-19, Doug Ducy, gov ducey declares public health emergency over covid 19 in arizona, Doug ducey

    Gov. Ducey declares Public Health Emergency over COVID-19 in Arizona 2020-03-12 05:31:14

    The Governor Doug Ducey has issued a declaration on Wednesday regarding the public health emergency for Arizona due to the continuing concerns of the coronavirus outbreak.The declaration is said to provide the flexibility in enhancing the safety protocols for the...

    Keywords: coronavirus, coronavirus, Doug Ducy, Arizona

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    coronavirus, the Arizona Department of Health Services, arizona has 29 cases of covid 19 says department of health services, Doug ducey

    Arizona has 29 cases of COVID-19, says Department of Health Services 2020-03-19 05:45:19

    The latest number of cases in the state of Arizona has been released by the Arizona Department of Health services on Wednesday in the morning. According to the Arizona Department of Health Services, it has been said that there are...

    Keywords: the Arizona Department of Health Services, the Arizona Department of Health Services, the Arizona Department of Health Services, coronavirus

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    social distancing, arizona, confirmed cases in arizona cross 900 death toll at 17, Doug ducey

    Confirmed cases in Arizona cross 900; death toll at 17 2020-03-30 07:07:55

    Confirmed cases in Arizona surpass 900 as 100 new cases are added to the toll on Sunday, March 29, 2020. The total confirmed cases as of now are at 919. Reports from the Arizona Department of Health Services have also...

    Keywords: coronavirus, coronavirus, maricopa county, social distancing

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