First Case of Coronavirus Identified in Arizona by the Health Department
January 27, 2020 10:59(Image source from:
The first case of coronavirus has been confirmed in the state of Arizona by the Arizona Department of Health Services on Sunday.
The World Health Organization states that the 2019 Novel Coronavirus is a part of the family of the infectious diseases which are called as the coronavirus and these viruses are said to be typically zoonotic.
Zoonotic is a term that is used to address the virus that are transmitted from the animals to the humans.
The individual who is affected by the deadly virus in Arizona is said to be identified as a resident of Maricopa County and also as a member of the Arizona State University community.
The patient is said to be returned from travelling in Wuhan, China recently, as the department said in a press release.
The Arizona Department of Health Services has added saying that the patient who is affected from the coronovirus is kept isolated so as to avoid the virus being spread and the department has also said that the patient is not severely ill.
Investigations are being carried out by the Arizona Department of Health services and the Maricopa County Department of public Health, in order to check whether the virus has been spread exposing the illness to anybody else.
The symptoms of the coronavirus are said to be fever, cough, runny nose and difficulty in breathing. The symptoms are said to be observed within 14 days after the individual is exposed to the coronavirus.
The illness is said to have no vaccine as of now in order to stop the coronavirus from spreading.
The United States confirms five cases of the coronavirus stating that all the five people who have been identified as being affected with the virus have travelled to Wuhan, China in the recent times.
The Arizona Department of Health Services have informed its citizens and asked any individual who have recently travelled to Wuhan, China and developed cough, fever, runny nose or difficulty in breathing to immediately consult a health care provider.
Dr. Cara Christ who is the director of Arizona Department of Health Services has recently said that although the immediate risk of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus being affected to the general public is believed to be low at this time the health departments of Arizona and the other states will be cautioning regarding the virus and active monitoring of the disease will be continued and he added saying that simple precautions ought to be taken by people in order to stay safe and protected from the deadly coronavirus that has been affecting several people in Wuhan, China and across the countries.
The Arizona Department of Health Services has mentioned the preventive measure that has to be taken by the people in order to keep themselves safe from the coronavirus.
1.Wash your hand for around 20 seconds with soap and water making sure that your hands are clean and if there is no availability of soap and water, use a alcohol- based sanitizer and make sure you sanitize your hands quite often.
2.Avoid getting in touch with your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed or unsanitized hands.
3.Stay home when you feel sick.
4.Avoid getting in close contact with the people who are sick.
5.Make sure you cover and use a tissue when you cough or sneeze and dispose the tissue immediately.
Cleaning and disinfecting of the surfaces that are often touched should be done.
By Shrithika Kushangi