The top start ups in the US had to face the music of the immigration authorities to bring in less skilled or medium skilled personnel from outside United States. Even big brands like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft or for that matter any level company would have had some disgusting experience while getting work force into United States. But incubator Blueseed is seeking to bypass the political process and solve the problem directly. Blueseed plans to buy a ship and turn it into a floating incubator anchored in international waters off the coast of California. The ship would be parked in the neutral or international waters, where immigration laws have least effect.
Immigration law makes it difficult for many would-be immigrants to get permission to work in the United States. For example, there's an annual cap on the number of H1-B visas available for American employers to hire skilled immigrant workers. However, permission to travel to the United States for business or tourism is much easier to get. With a B-1 visa, visitors can freely travel to the United States for meetings, conferences, and even training seminars. B-1 visas are relatively easy to get, and can be valid for as long as 10 years. Blueseed plans to provide regular ferry service between the ship- base to the United States.
So as the saying goes the common get frightened with law and the uncommon search loop holes. Nice way to take the world at your own strides, it will be beneficial for most start-ups. But there were some suggestions instead of a ship, why not set up a shop in Tijuana. Or Vancouver BC!!