People say that being alone is not good. Some even believe that being alone leads to depression. Few even advise that keeping to yourself is not a good idea. But, to some extent being alone has its own advantages. There are chances to come out of the mentally irritated situations and to deal with broken heart by being alone.
The more you step out, you will come across people and they will go on asking endless questions regarding your past situation. They do not notice that you are stuck in a worse situation and unapologetically engage you with the past. Avoid this and be alone for some time.
Simple questions might start annoying you, if you visit a restaurant the waiter asks you, ‘need a table for two?’. If one of your old friends meets you and asks about your partner, you explain the whole thing of your previous one. But at the end of the day you start thinking about the past and it results you to follow another sleepless night.
Sympathy is even worst. This time you may not need sympathy. It starts re collecting of old memories and make you drop in to the mood off path. Stay away from it.
Divert your mind, and be alone and as much as possible and help you come out of the worse situation.
Also read:Signs of a Healthy Happy relationship