We might have talked more about the do's of a perfect relationship and how to sustain in a relationship... let's revise the quick don'ts for a survival of any relationship;
Never ever discuss anything, it could be a day to day issue or a major issue as soon as you or your partner comes home from work... if your partner is in a mood to discuss the same, just be polite enough and ask the other to wait for some time. The tensions and pressure you take from outside to home will take some time to calm down and this is the crucial time for you to easily get irritated and react adversely for even a small issue. So just chill for a while, eat first and relax and then you have all the time to talk.
End of the day we all are human beings so as you and your partner, so don't expect either you or your partner to be perfect and possess a good mood, do things right, every day. If your partner is frustrated, understand the frustration rather than putting even your ego in front and ending up arising a heated argument. Just take the other person's frustration and ego for a while, once your partner calms down, explain how the other has behaved and if you are hurt, let the other know about the same. There are all chances for your partner to sit back and think and alter their behavior and of course appreciate your patience that will enhance the bonding between you both.
Life is too short to end up correcting the other and losing a day from your life that is not filled with love. Unless you really feel there is a major reason for you to correct your partner or alter the situation, leave the petty incidents just then and there...
You can see your relationship blossoming!