(Image source from: Teens prefer WhatsApp to Facebook now)
Facebook might soon suffer a fate like Google's social networking site Orkut, with young teens fast shifting their loyalties from Mark Zuckerberg's social platform to WhatsApp and Snapchat — not only because the teen brigade considers Facebook "uncool" now, but also because they don't want their mum and dad keep tabs on them through it.
This was revealed in a research that observed the online habits of young teens and discovered that many young Facebook users were switching to better and more private alternatives such as Snapchat and WhatsApp as some of them found it embarrassing to be associated with it.
Snapchat is a picture sharing service while WhatsApp allows smartphone users to interact using text, video, images and audio. Another popular alternative is Instagram, which allows users to upload and share photographs – and is owned by Facebook.
AW: Suchorita Dutta Choudhury