SS Rajamouli's next film is titled RRR which is named Roudram Ranam Rudhiram. The film's motion poster that is released for Ugadi received exceptional response from the audience. The film features NTR and Ram Charan in the lead roles. RRR is currently under shoot and is made on a budget of Rs 400 crores. With Ram Charan celebrating his birthday today, the makers released a birthday gift for the actor through 'Bheem for Ramaraju' which is a video glimpse that narrates about his role Alluri Seetharama Raju.
One who watched the glimpse will discuss about the transformation and the screen presence of Charan. NTR's terrific voice over is the other highlight of Bheem for Ramaraju. The presentation of Rajamouli and MM Keeravani's background score are the other assets of Bheem for Ramaraju. The film is aimed for January 2021 release and is produced by DVV Entertainment. Ram Charan is quite delighted with the positive response of Bheem for Ramaraju. Alia Bhatt and Olivia Morris are the leading ladies in RRR.