(Image source from: moviepilot.de)
After an irresistible response at the Belt and Road Film Week at Shanghai International Film Festival, the Indian film "Hichki" is all geared up to be released in Russia this September. The movie will be dubbed in Russian for the native spectators.
"It's really heartening that 'Hichki' will now release in Russia. It professes the message of converting your worst obstacle into your biggest strength by embracing it and working each day to win over it. It has a beautiful message that nothing is impossible and life can be beautiful even with our inherent complications. I'm really excited to see the reaction of audiences in Russia," Siddharth P Malhotra, the director of the film, said in a statement.
The film's producer Maneesh Sharma, assumes a widespread release in Russia, citing the universal plea of the film. The film-whose title is translated as "Ya-prepod" in Russian-is likely to be released across 70 screens in the country.
"Hichki'' has touched the hearts of audiences across age groups, across countries. The film moved audiences at the Shanghai Film Festival where it was screened recently and we got a standing ovation there. It was an overwhelming reaction from a non-Hindi speaking market and now that the film is releasing in Russia, we expect audiences to feel the same emotions that people across the world are feeling after seeing the movie," Manish Sharma said.
Of late, the Indian film industry has been making endeavors to reclaim its popularity amongst the Russian audience. During the Soviet era, Raj Kapoor was a superstar among Russians, but after the centralized purchasing system was discontinued in 1991, Indian films disappeared from Russia's movie theatres.
With the aid of the Indian government, Indian film producers are again focused on the Russian market and are holding film festivals. Few Indian movie makers have even articulated an intense curiosity in filming in Russia.