Running for 5 minutes daily benefitsHealthy Living

November 18, 2014 15:30
Running for 5 minutes daily benefits},{Running for 5 minutes daily benefits

(Image source from: Running for 5 minutes daily benefits})

Running totaly improves your overall helath conditions. Research shows that running helps to raise good cholestrol and helps to improve your better.lung function.Running helps boost your immune system and lower blod clots.

For women it helps to reduce the iilness and lower the chances of breast cancer,it also helps to reduce the risk of stroke,thats why many doctors advice for running who are in nearest stage of diabetes, high blood pressure, and osteoporosis By helping the arteries retain their elasticity and strengthening the heart, your chances of suffering a heart attack can be significantly reduced.

Running is one of the best forms of exercise for losing or maintaining a consistent weight. The running  will lead you to burn of extra calories,that will be the most effective exercise in terms of burnig extra calories per minute.

Running develops more confident and you feel better which indicates of increase in self confidence.

There is a chance of living longer if you ave a higher value of yourself.

By running every day you you will find youself active throughout the day,Amazing how exercise can boost your energy and actually help you to accomplish more in one day.

After the running as daily schedule you feel craving healthier food for your nutritional needs. Eating for health will change your life and help you to live longer.

AW: Arun Kumar

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